EPA Reference Method 25

Accurate VOC emission testing presents a
significant challenge to the stack sampling
and laboratory communities. Our staff has
been involved with Method 25 sampling
and analysis since 1980, and we have had
extensive interaction with federal and state
regulatory personnel concerning the
application and interpretation of VOC
emission measurements.
Tired of waiting for Method 25 lab results week after week?
VRi's certified Method 25 laboratory provides FREE RUSH SERVICE for all Method 25 analyses. Your electronic report is emailed within a few working days of sample receipt.
Can't understand your Method 25 results?
VRi staff members helped to develop Method 25 and have over 20 years of experience performing this method both in the field and in the laboratory for industrial and government clients. We provide a concise, easy to follow lab report, and post-report follow-up support. No need to wade through dozens of pages to find and check your results. We also present a complete, easy to follow, set of example calculatiosn for one of your samples. Our typical lab report for a six-sample event is 9 pages long, plus Q&A pages. (calibration gas and lab performance certifications, etc.).
Fed up with STICKER SHOCK when you get your Method 25 lab invoice?
VRi has lower rates than our competitors and we DO NOT charge rental fees for our equipment. The cost of analysis INCLUDES clean, ready to use equipment and SPARE equipment, all at no additional cost. If your test is delayed there typically are no additional charges.

Need help developing a VOC emission test protocol? Need help performing a VOC emission test?
We can help you develop a test protocol that will maximize your ability to have a successful Method 25 test. This is particularly important when testing NON-TRADITIONAL VOC emission sources. If you need help in the field, we can provide an experienced staff member at a reasonable cost to manage the sample event. Our staff has succesfully collected and analyzed thousands of Method 25 samples from the full spectrum of industrial sources, including many non-traditional sources, both controlled and un-controlled. Here's a partial list of those sources.
Plywood, particleboard, medium density fiberboard (MDF) dryer and board vents​
Wood-fired, co-fired, gas-fired, oil-fired and black-liquor recovery boilers
Thermomechanical pulping (TMP) and ground wood emissions
Non-condensable gas vents
Pouring and cooling line
Furnace room
Core shop
Bagasse dryer emissions and dryer blend box gases
Bagasse Boilers
Furfural process vents: digesters, converters, distillation, non-condensable gases
E​THANOL PRODUCTION (​both wet and dry corn mills, very different beasties!)
S​uper stack (whole-mill) combined emissions
DDGS dryers
Gluten Meal Dryer
Germ Dryer
Carbon furnace
Fermenter CO2 scrubber
Distillation non-condensale gas vent
Ethanol load out
DDGS load out
G​rain dryer
Mineral oil hexane-scrubber
White flake dryer
C​itrus peel dryer
Ag-residue fired boiler
Heat-set off-set web printers​
Other printers (lots)
Metal can production lines
Paint lines
Polymer coating lines
V​ulcanized rubber production
Used oil processing
Marine flares, bulk gasoline off-loading
Landfill flares
Foam-blowing (VRi can also measure residual VOC in closed-call foam a​ccurately.)

See our updated list of Method 25 industrial experience on our credentials page.
We can help you with VOC Emissions test protocols for any source.
Call or e-mail us for a free consultation.
PHONE: 828-567-8890
E-MAIL:  chuck@vocreporting.com
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                                                    Pricing and additional information are at your finger tips.